The terms used in the Regulations shall mean:
1. Customer - a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit that is not a legal person, to which special regulations grant legal capacity, who makes an Order within the Store; – osoba fizyczna, osoba prawna lub jednostka organizacyjna nie będącą osobą prawną, kt2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.rej przepisy szczeg2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.lne przyznają zdolność prawną, kt2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.ra dokonuje Zam2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.wienia w ramach Sklepu;
2. Civil Code - the Act of April 23, 1964 (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 93 as amended);
3. Terms and Conditions - these Regulations for the provision of services by electronic means within the online store HOUSEOFBANKS.COM.PL;
4. Online store (Store) - Internet service available at http://houseofbanks.com.pl/, through which the Customer may, in particular, place Orders;2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.rego Klient może w szczeg2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.lności składać Zam2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.wienia;
5. Goods - the products presented in the Online Store;
6. Contract of sale - agreement for the sale of Goods within the meaning of the Civil Code, concluded between Maciej Sobkowiak (online store http://houseofbanks.com.pl/) and the Client, concluded with the use of the Store's website;2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w w rozumieniu Kodeksu Cywilnego, zawarta pomiędzy Maciej Sobkowiak (sklep internetowy http://houseofbanks.com.pl/) a Klientem, zawierana z wykorzystaniem serwisu internetowego Sklepu;
7. The Consumer Rights Act - the Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014 (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827);
8. The Act on Provision of Electronic Services - the Act of July 18, 2002 on Provision of Electronic Services (Journal of Laws No. 144, Item 1204 as amended);
9. Order - the Customer's declaration of will, aiming directly at the conclusion of the Sales Agreement, specifying in particular the type and number of Goods.2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.wienie – oświadczenie woli Klienta, zmierzające bezpośrednio do zawarcia Umowy sprzedaży, określające w szczeg2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.lności rodzaj i liczbę Towaru.
II GENERAL PROVISIONS2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.lne
2.1 The online store HOUSEOFBANKS.COM.PL is operated by Maciej Sobkowiak with registered office in Swarzedz, address: 10 Strzelecka Street, 62-020 Swarzedz, entered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity conducted by the Minister of Development, NIP: 7773348128, REGON: 382824417., REGON: 382824417.
2.2 These Regulations set out the rules for the conclusion of contracts between the Seller and the Customers for the sale of Goods, using the means of remote communication and use by the Customers of the House of Banks online store, available at the Internet address www.houseofbanks.com.pl.2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.2.2 These Regulations set out the rules for the conclusion of contracts between the Seller and the Customers for the sale of Goods, using the means of remote communication and use by the Customers of the House of Banks online store, available at the Internet address www.houseofbanks.com.pl.2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w, przy wykorzystaniu środk2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w porozumiewania się na odległość oraz korzystania przez Klient2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w ze sklepu internetowego House of Banks, dostępnego pod adresem internetowym www.houseofbanks.com.pl
2.3 With regard to services provided electronically, these Regulations are the regulations referred to in Article 8 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended). The Rules and Regulations are addressed to all Customers of the Online Store. The Customer is obliged to comply with all provisions of the Regulations. Sales take place on the basis of the version of these Regulations in force at the time of placing an order.
2.4 All information contained on the Store's website, relating to products (including prices), do not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code, but an invitation to conclude a contract as defined in Article 71 of the Civil Code.
2.5 The price information provided on the website of the Online Store is binding from the moment the Customer receives an e-mail confirming the order. Once the order has been successfully placed, this price will not change regardless of any price changes in the Store that may occur for individual Goods.
2.6. Zdjęcia Towar2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w umieszczane są na stronie Sklepu Internetowego w celach przykładowych i służą prezentacji konkretnie wskazanych na nich modeli.
2.7. Klienci mają możliwość zakupu Towar2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.2.7. The Customers have the opportunity to purchase the Goods through the Internet Store regardless of whether they have made the Registration by completing the Registration Form and creating a profile.
2.8. The condition for the effective placement of an order, is the provision of accurate address data by the Customer, and the indication of a telephone number or e-mail address at which contact from the Seller will be possible.
3.1 In order to conclude a Sales Contract through the Online Store, the Customer must go to the website www.houseofbanks.com.pl, make a selection, taking further technical actions based on the messages displayed to the Customer and the information available on the website.
3.2 The Customer's selection of the ordered Goods is made by adding them to the shopping cart.
3.3 In the course of placing an Order - until pressing the “Order” button. - The Customer has the possibility to modify the entered data and in the selection of the Goods. In order to do so, it is necessary to follow the messages displayed to the Customer and the information available on the site.
3.4 After the Customer using the Online Store has provided all the necessary data, a summary of the submitted Order will be displayed. The summary of the submitted Order will contain information regarding:
a) the subject of the Order,2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.wienia,
b) jednostkowej oraz łącznej ceny zamawianych produkt2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w lub usług, w tym koszt2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w dostawy,
c) the selected method of payment,
d) the selected method of delivery.
4.1 All prices of goods posted on the Store's website:2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w zamieszczone na stronie internetowej Sklepu:
a) are given in Polish zloty
b) include taxes,
c) do not include information on delivery costs.2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w dostawy.
4.2 The price listed next to each product is binding from the moment the Customer receives confirmation of acceptance of the order for processing.
4.3. The Customer has the right to choose the method of payment for the ordered Goods:2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.wiony Towar:
a) via one of the electronic payment systems currently accepted by Maciej Sobkowiak company (online store http://houseofbanks.com.pl/). In this case, the shipment with the subject of the order will be sent after the Online Store www.houseofbanks.com.pl receives confirmation of correct execution of the payment by the payment processor.
c) upon receipt of the parcel at the courier.
4.4 The Seller reserves the right to make changes in the prices of the Goods, carry out and cancel promotional actions and sales or make changes in them. The above right shall not affect the prices of Goods in orders placed before the effective date of price changes, terms of promotional actions or sales.
4.5 Promotions in the Online Store are not cumulative, unless the terms and conditions of the promotion state otherwise.
4.6 The customer may use the discount code received from the Online Store www.houseofbanks.com.pl.
4.7 Discount codes have a validity period during which the Customer may take advantage of the discount offered. A discount code cannot be combined with any other discount code and other promotions unless the terms and conditions of a particular promotion state otherwise. After the expiration date of the discount code, it is impossible to use the discount code.
5.1 The ordered goods are shipped by the Store via DPD shipping company or via inPost parcel machines.
5.2 The ordered goods are delivered to the Customer's address indicated in the order or to a parcel machine indicated by the Customer.
5.3 Delivery costs shall be borne by the Customer.
5.4 The cost of delivery depends on the delivery agent, the method of payment and the value of the order, according to the delivery table.
5.5 The Customer has the option to indicate the delivery address also outside the territory of the Republic of Poland. In the case of shipping outside the territory of the Republic of Poland, the cost of delivery shall be borne by the Customer. At the same time, if the delivery address outside the territory of the Republic of Poland is selected, the Customer does not have the option to pay cash on delivery.
5.6 The cost and expected time of delivery outside the territory of the Republic of Poland depends on the target country of delivery, in accordance with the table of foreign delivery.
6.1 The Customer, who is a consumer within the meaning of Article 221 of the Civil Code, has - based on the provisions of the law - the right to withdraw from the agreement concluded remotely, without giving any reason, within 14 days by sending it to the address Maciej Sobkowiak (online store http://houseofbanks.com.pl/) given in these Regulations:2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w prawa – prawo do odstąpienia od umowy zawartej na odległość, bez podania przyczyny, w terminie 14 dni wysyłając je na adres Maciej Sobkowiak (sklepu internetowego http://houseofbanks.com.pl/) podany w niniejszym Regulaminie:
House of Banks Maciej Sobkowiak
ul. Strzelecka 10
62-020 Swarzędz
6.2 The 14-day period shall be counted from the date of delivery of the Goods.2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.rym nastąpiło dostarczenie Towaru.
6.3 The store has the right not to accept returned products if:the goods are damaged, traces of use are visible on them, they emit odor, the tag has been torn off, they do not have any proof of purchase.2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w jeżeli: towar jest uszkodzony, widoczne są na nim ślady użytkowania, wydziela woń, oderwana została metka, nie posiada żadnego dowodu zakupu.
6.4 The consumer's right of withdrawal is excluded in the case of:
6.5 Goods beyond the standard offer of the store, prepared on special order of the customer and tailored to his individual needs.2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w wykraczających poza standardową ofertę sklepu, przygotowanych na specjalne zam2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.wienie klienta i dostosowanych do jego indywidualnych potrzeb.
6.6 The Goods returned by the Customer should be packaged in an appropriate manner, ensuring no damage to the parcel during transport.
6.7 The cost of packaging and returning the goods shall be borne by the Customer.
6.8 The returned product must be accompanied by a return form filled out by the customer. formularz zwrotu.
7.1 Any complaints related to the use of the Store can be submitted to the address:na składać na adres:
House of Banks Maciej Sobkowiak
ul. Strzelecka 10
62-020 Swarzędz
The store guarantees to process any complaint within 14 days of receiving the product.
7.2 The response to complaints is sent through the options that the customer selected in the complaint form.2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.re klient zaznaczył w formularzu reklamacyjnym
7.3. Maciej Sobkowiak (online store http://houseofbanks.com.pl/) is obliged to deliver Goods without defects.
7.4 Maciej Sobkowiak (online store http://houseofbanks.com.pl/) is liable as a seller to the Customer who is a Consumer for physical or legal defects of the sold thing (warranty) under the conditions and in the mode specified in the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2014, item 121, as amended).
7.5 In order to report a defect, it is advisable to fill out a complaint form and have a confirmation of purchases in the online store HOUSEOFBANKS.COM.PL.2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w w sklepie internetowym HOUSEOFBANKS.COM.PL.
8.1 It is forbidden to use any materials published on the Store's website (including photos and descriptions of goods) without the written consent of the Store.2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w towar2.6 Photos of the Goods are placed on the website of the Online Store for exemplary purposes and are used to present the models specifically indicated in them.w) bez pisemnej zgody Sklepu.
9.1 Settlement of potential disputes arising between Maciej Sobkowiak (online store http://houseofbanks.com.pl/) and the Client, who is a consumer within the meaning of Article 221 of the Civil Code, shall be submitted to the competent courts in accordance with the provisions of the applicable provisions of the Civil Procedure Code.
9.2 Settlement of potential disputes arising between Maciej Sobkowiak (online store http://houseofbanks.com.pl/) and a Customer who is not a consumer within the meaning of Article 221 of the Civil Code, is subject to the court having jurisdiction over the seat of Maciej Sobkowiak (online store http://houseofbanks.com.pl/).
9.3 In matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code, the provisions of the Act on providing services by electronic means and other relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.